Style Tips

Repair, renew and refresh your clothes

Men - learn how to style your outfits

How to choose the right men’s personal stylist for you in London

Everything you need to know about my Wardrobe Edit - the personal styling service for men

Why do I need a Personal Stylist for men when my partner could take me shopping?

Men - here's how to make your outfits look more interesting and contemporary

Six reasons you're putting off booking in your personal shopping trip for men

9 x reasons why men need personal stylists more than women do

Should I wait to book my personal shopping or styling session till after I've lost weight?

How much does it cost to hire a personal stylist / personal shopper for men?

What's the difference between an independent personal stylist for men & an in-store personal shopper?

10 x reasons why men book a personal stylist / shopper

How does a wardrobe edit for men work?

Winning buys with clients

What you can expect from a Personal Shopping trip for men

Men's styling tips for your online dating profile pictures

Garmology podcast interview with 'Well Dressed Dad'