Privacy & Cookies

Sartoria Lab Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy tells you what will happen to any personal data that you provide to us as a result of using this website. The information is written for the benefit of general visitors to the website, However, if you are a client of ours (or become one) we process a wider range of personal data and deal with a broader range of privacy-related issues. Clients are provided with detailed information about this during the engagement process.

Personal Data You Provide

Your privacy is important to us. By providing personal information such as your name and email address by completing the forms on this website, you agree to us contacting you with regard to the information provided.

Some forms on our website also include a check box asking you for permission to add you to our mailing list. This is an opt-in mailing list and your personal information will be used solely by us (and all such emails include a link for opt-out).

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the data you provide via this website to:

  • communicate with you, for example: we use contact details such as email addresses or phone numbers when responding to enquiries made using online forms

  • monitor website trends, for example: we use Google Analytics to help us aggregate traffic so we can monitor how the website is being used

  • operate our business more effectively, for example: we seek feedback and use this to help improve our service.

Our ‘Lawful Reasons’ for Processing Your Personal Data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the primary piece of legislation defining your rights over our processing of your personal information. The GDPR requires us to declare which of six ‘lawful reasons’ we are relying on when we process your personal data: we operate on the basis of ‘consent’ when sending newsletters (you won't be sent a newsletter unless you have explicitly opted in to receive one) ... and we operate on the basis of ‘legitimate interest’ when communicating with you in other ways (e.g. when responding to your enquiry).

How Long We Keep Personal Data

Personal data may be stored by the website for a period of up to 90 days (other than Google Analytics which is stored for up to 14 months) after which time it is removed automatically.

Transfer of Personal Data

From time to time we may pass personal data such as your name and email address to other services that we use to send out newsletters (Mailchimp) and other communications (both electronic and print) such as Twitter which may have servers in USA. However, your personal data will never be sold to any organisation.

Right to be Forgotten

Also known as Data Erasure, the right to be forgotten entitles you to have your personal data deleted from our database if you so request. Please contact us on to ask us to action this process.

Data Access Requests

If you would like a copy of the data held on you, then please contact and we will provide full details.


In the first instance we hope you will contact us directly with any questions you may have (contact details are displayed prominently on this website). However, legal rights regarding privacy are the remit of the Information Commissioners Office (ICO):

Our Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to monitor how our website is being used so we can make improvements. Our use of Google Analytics requires us to pass your IP address to Google (but no other information). Google uses this information to prepare site usage reports for us, but Google may also share this information with other Google services. In particular, Google may use the data collected to contextualise and personalise the ads of its own advertising network. For related information, see:

Sartoria Lab Cookie Policy

Information About Our Use of Cookies

The 1-Minute Guide

Interested in this issue but short of time? Here’s what we think you need to know:

  • We use cookies to make our website easier for you to use

  • We use cookies to help stop our online-forms from being used to send spam-email

  • We use cookies to monitor usage so we can spot trends and make improvements.

We DO NOT use cookies to identify individuals (and never will)

We DO NOT store personal information in cookies

Information About What Cookies Are Set

We believe that our use of cookies is very necessary for the smooth functioning of our website. We do not believe that they pose any threat to your personal privacy or online security and we recommend that you ‘allow’ cookies. If you ‘disable’ cookies, the interactive functions of the website will not operate (data-submission using forms, as well as user-registration, user-login, and many other features of the website cannot work fully without using cookies).

More Detailed Information

Is this GDPR or PECR?

The original EU legislation that became known as the ‘E-Privacy Directive’ was published in 2003 and implemented as European Directive No 2002/58/EC, which was then amended by Directive 2009/136/EC that included a requirement to seek consent for cookies and similar technologies. The EU Directive entered UK law on 26 May 2011 as the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 – often referred to as PECR – and this is still in force today. PECR sits alongside the more widely known GDPR legislation: both are regulated by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is used by a website to send 'state information' to a user’s browser and for the browser to return the state information to the website. The state information can be used for authentication, identification of a user session, user preferences, shopping cart contents, or anything else that can be accomplished through storing text data on the user’s computer.

Cookies cannot be programmed, cannot carry viruses, and cannot install malware on the host computer. However, they can be used to track users’ browsing activities, which was a major privacy concern that prompted European and US law-makers to take action.

Cookies are used by most websites for a variety of reasons – often very practical reasons to do with the operation of the website. However, they are also used to monitor how people are using the website (which pages are visited and how long is spent on each page). Each ‘visitor session’ is tracked even though no effort is made to try to identify them in person.

The new legislation now states that users must be able to opt-out from having cookies stored on their computers.

What Happens If You Opt Out

If you decide to disable cookies, we record this so you don’t get asked the question again. You will find that most of the website works as expected, although functions that rely on cookies are obviously disabled. These functions include using online forms (e.g. our enquiry form) or any feature that requires login. We use a cookie to remember your cookie preferences, which has a couple of consequences:

  • If you delete all your cookies you will have to tell us your preference again

  • If you use a different device, computer profile or browser you will have to tell us your preference again.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, what Cookies are set, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact me by email -

This document was last updated on the 24th of May 2018.